New school year, new reasons to say thank you. 


As we embark on our second full year at Trust Early Learners, we want to thank those who’ve supported us in our pursuit of creating access, excellence, and equity in early education.

This year, 35% of our student community will attend TEL tuition-free, with another 30% receiving abatements. Mitigating financial barriers to high-quality early education is core to our mission, and achievable only through the generous support of our donors.

We thank our educators and staff who founded the 127Fund. Their generosity demonstrates their agency in and commitment to the work that happens at TEL each day.  

We thank our founding families for their trust in us, and to those who have given back in recognition of the individuals who impact their children every day.

And we thank the corporate and charitable donor community who provide much-needed funds for our families and students as we launch this bold initiative, investing in us from the very start: The Brookline Community Foundation, The Red Sox Foundation, One by One Foundation, and Bain Capital.

We are grateful for all who recognize the critical importance of quality early education and its positive impact on our children and our community. All parents and caregivers should have the assurance of knowing their little ones are learning in a safe, nurturing environment, and all children should enter Kindergarten ready to reach their full potential in school and in life.

If you wish to provide financial assistance to a child at TEL, honor an educator, or support any of our programs, please visit our donate page. 

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year at Trust Early Learners.


Nourishing Minds — and Bodies. The Culinary Program at TEL.


Changing lives and closing the achievement gap through quality Early Education.